SFU Cloud for Research VM Pricing

When it comes to supporting our researchers, we understand that the needs of researchers can be diverse and sometimes complex. We are here to provide clarity on what we can support and the potential challenges that may arise. Below, we delve into the details, offering a nuanced perspective on our service offerings.

Virtual Machine Costs (Per year)

The Research Computing Group provides the following VM configurations to the research community.

Flavour NamevCPUMemoryHard DiskCost

If you would like us to provision VMs for your research lab, please email us at research-support@sfu.ca . In the email, please provide us the following information:

  • Lab Principal Investigator
  • Lab Name
  • Project Name (if applicable)
  • Flavour Name
  • Number of VMs for each type
  • Account Code to JV
  • Letter of In-Kind support (if applicable)

Larger VM configurations may also be made available, however, consultation on such configurations is required to ensure appropriate resourcing.

Service Inclusions:

Installation of User Selected Packages:

Our services do include the installation of user-selected packages, but it’s important to note that some packages may be complex and time-consuming to set up. In some cases, these installations might have implications for other aspects of the system. We aim to provide the necessary support, but we advise users to be prepared for potential compatibility issues and invest time and effort in resolving them, especially if their software has tightly woven dependencies, and that the RCG may have to work with you on a charging basis to resolve those issues.

Configuration of Features:

  • HTTPS and Certificates: We offer HTTPS configuration and certificate management through the use of Let’s Encrypt to enhance security.
  • User Accounts: Our team can set up and manage user accounts for secure system access.
  • Domain Name Configuration: We handle domain name configuration, ensuring your online presence is accessible and correctly routed.

Updates to Packages and the OS:

We perform regular updates to packages and the operating system to keep your systems secure and up-to-date. However, we understand that updates may affect the functionality of specific applications, which may require additional attention.

Recurring Installation of Security Updates:

Security is a top priority, and we provide ongoing security updates. Users should be aware that these updates can occasionally impact the performance or compatibility of certain software components.

Supporting Complexity:

We have a team of skilled System Administrators and Software Developers ready to assist researchers. While the basic VM maintenance, as described above, are covered under our standard VM cost, addressing the complexities introduced by certain user-selected packages may require additional resources and incur cost.

Balancing Complexity and Resources:

Our goal is to provide support while maintaining cost-effectiveness. If a researcher’s software requirements are particularly intricate and involve substantial customization or compatibility issues, we can facilitate collaboration with our Research Development Team’s software developers. This approach allows for a more tailored solution but may come with additional costs associated with research support.

Communication is Key:

We prioritize clear and open communication with researchers. We recommend discussing your specific needs with our team early in the process to align expectations and explore the most effective and cost-efficient solutions.


The RCG is committed to supporting the diverse IT needs of SFU researchers. While our services cover a wide range of features, we acknowledge that complexity can arise, especially with certain software installations. We encourage researchers to engage with us in a dialogue to find the best approach to meet their goals while managing the associated challenges and costs effectively. We are here to work collaboratively to ensure your research endeavors are successful.